100% Ökostrom

Since 2004, we use cogeneration units. As we have a high consumption of thermal and electrical energy, the principle of a combined heat and power unit seemed most appropriate for us. The principle is easily explained: a gas fired engine generates electricity and operated by water engine cooling, waste heat. Each of our 4 CHP`s generates 5.5 kWh of electricity and 10 kWh thermal heat. Therefore, we have installed two cogeneration units, one in 2004 and another one in 2014. This is usually sufficient to cover our daily needs for hot water and electricity.

At this point I would like to thank our energy partners:

SenerTec GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 18
97424 Schweinfurt


Firma Ebenhack Heizungsbau
Walkersbrunn 71
91322 Graefenberg

More pictures of our new heating room coming soon.

Dachs Main
Dachs Neu
Dachs alt
Poster DINA4_100 Prozent Oekostrom_Weisses Ross