Our daily restaurant specials

Weißes Ross “Classic”


air conditioned (up to 100 seats)


enjoying foods and drinks (up to 35 seats)


suitable for small groups too (up to 30 seats)


popular venue (up to 60 seats)





Table reservation

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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  • Please note that your reservation is only binding with confirmation by e-mail or by phone. We kindly ask you to better inquire by phone for short-term bookings. Phone: 0911/50 69 88-0. Thank you so much!
  • Your personal data is, of course, treated in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act and the Telemedia Act. Your name and E-mail address and, if applicable, further notified personal data will only be used to process your request including a reply. The data will not be disclosed to third parties or used for the sending of advertising. For more information, please see our data protection information.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our beers

Bei uns erhalten Sie wechselnde fränkische Biere aus ausgesuchten kleinen Brauereien, vom Kellerbier bis zum Starkbier.

Tucher Breewing Tradition from Nuremberg

For almost 350 years Tucher has been representing the beer brewing tradition of Nuremberg. – Tucher, there is a lot of love inside.

We carry almost the entire range of Tucher Bräu – not only beer in bottles but also freshly draft from the barrel. We can look back on a long relationship with Tucher since the Weisses Ross offers Tucher beers for more than 120 years.